We feel honored to provide our customers fast and complete services with our “AUTHORIZED LIABLE” internationally recognized document, which is granted by TR Ministry of Customs and Trade to the companies with adequate financial capability and meeting safety and security standards and which provides several privileges for the certificate holder.

  • We can make transactions in our own facilities with in situ customs clearance before presenting export goods to the trade customs administrations.
  • With our licensed consignor authorization we can transfer transit goods from our own facilities without presenting to customs administrations.

The purposes of the Comprehensive Assurance and Common Transit Regime are as follows:

  • To accelerate and to simplify,
  • Managing of the business in paper-free environment,
  • Getting benefit from simplification in some certain conditions,
  • Traceability of the assurances,
  • Easy access in signatory countries,
  • In case of using comprehensive assurance, fast deduction of the assurance. We serve in order to facilitate the trade of our customers.